STAGE 1 : origins
The start of the journey of life.
This is our Origins Collection.
The origin of any life cycle is the most important and sacred. All of an organism’s code is imprinted within its miniscule origin. Whether contained in a seed or a cell, it is ready to be deployed when the conditions are right and blossom into a new existence. The Cultivate Origins Collection provides a wide range of heritage-strain culture propagators that contain the living information to start any life-cycle product.
The starter culture you choose can be grown and developed into a wide variety of materials, products and organisms depending on your design needs. We provide enough so that you can start multiple cultures, but we also hope that you may learn to multiply and grow your own strains so that you may become a self-sufficient in your materials needs.
Most of our Origins Collection is for the more the experienced GIY* enthusiast.
We also stock an Educational Starter Pack which comes with enough medium for six weeks and a guide on what to expect, optimum nutrition recommendations, habitat suggestions and an easy-to-use phone-app growth tracker.
Types of starter cultures include Cells, DNA code, protein strains, filaments, seeds, eggs and chemically activated minerals.